I’ve been posting on Critter Alley at Blogspot for years. It’s a familiar format for me, and one that I’ve grown quite comfortable using. So after getting comfortable with Blogspot, why would any sane, normal individual decide to try something new?
That, my friend, is a good question. Here I am now, feeling like I jumped in a time machine while blindfolded to land in a different century where everyone else speaks a foreign language. Huh?
Please bear with me. I’m doing my best to learn Wordpress. And even though Critter Alley’s location and title have changed, the focus hasn’t. All posts will be similar content to those that appeared on Critter Alley; featuring Winston the Peek-a-poo puppy, Bogey a very cool cat, critter-related topics, books, and writing. Since I don’t know how to migrate years of prior posts, if you’d like to take a look at our history, check out this link:
We love subscribers. If you’d like to know when a post appears, enter the required information in the subscriber link at the bottom of the right hand column. You’ll receive email notification so you won’t miss any news, and I promise not to overload your mailbox.
Comments are most welcome. I’d love to know what you think!
Won’t you please considering visiting us from time to time in this strange new world?

35 Responses
Welcome to WordPress! Once you get used to it you’ll love it. I find interaction with Blogspot is always a more awkward affair.
I hope it gets easier. I’m not very techno-savvy.
Congrats young lady. We are very proud of your writing and I’m proud to have been able to call you a “dear friend” for half a century. Keep up the good work.
Peg and me
Hi Marty & Peg! Thank you so much for visiting. This new site is more of a challenge than what I thought it would be. Hopefully I’ll learn more soon.
Your new site is wonderful. I know what you mean about navigating through the technological stuff. Best of luck with your new career.
This format has completely spun my head around. Maybe I’ll get it someday.
Congratulations on your new website. It looks great–and so do you!
Thanks, Donna. It only took me three months to limp my way into making the new site public.
Thanks for the invite to join you here at the new site.
We will subscribe too.
xo Astro and Linda
Thanks, Astro and Linda! I’m on my way to visit you now.
Brilliant, Pat! My son has a blog as well. I am signing up for yours!
Thanks, Terri! I hope to get the hang of WordPress soon.
Pat, I love the photo in your header! I combined a WordPress and Blogger blog –gosh, it must’ve been five years ago! If you go to Tools (in your blog’s dashboard), you’ll find an Export and Import–that’s how you can combine your old blog with the new.
I hated to say goodbye to Cathy C.’s Hall of Fame…in fact, I still keep the site with a message directing people to my current blog (http://cathychall.blogspot.com/). You might want to do the same!
H’mm. Thanks for the suggestion, Cathy, I may have to try that. Of course, I’m so technologically challenged, I may accidentally blow up my site. Or maybe even every single site on WordPress!
Congrats on being brave enough to jump to a new site! Looking forward to it!
Thanks Hailey and Zaphod! I was definitely sweating when I hit the “Go Live” button. Wish I were more comfortable with technology.
Pat–I will gladly subscribe. And to follow you, you didn’t even have to say “please,” let alone “pretty please.” You have loyal followers who are excited every time your post pops up.
(Will Winston get his own website soon?)
Thanks, Sioux! I’m sure Winston could fill a book with antics guaranteed to give me a nervous breakdown. Perhaps someday I’ll get the hang of WordPress (fingers crossed).
Hey Pat! This is a great layout! I love it! Thank you for visiting today. It really means a lot to me!
xx Deborah
Hi Deborah! Thanks for your kind words. Hopefully this will be a smooth transition and I won’t mess up anything too badly.
Very nice, looks great. We are researching and will be changing ours too.
Lily & Edward
Lily, Edward, and Mom, thanks so much! I wish you good luck. Everyone says this hosting site is great but so far I’ve been feeling more than a little overwhelmed.
Congrats on the new site, it looks very professional. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Love that cute little pup!
Lynne x
Hi Lynne, and thanks so much! This is definitely a work in progress. Speaking of cute pups, little Cricket is absolutely adorable!
Looks very nice! We will add your new site to our blog list
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
I’m so happy you visited, Bailey, Hazel, and Mabel! Sure hope I can get this all figured out soon.
The layout looks great! I’ve subscribed and I wish you all the best as you get to know WordPress.
Thanks, Eileen! It certainly is a lot more tricky than I thought it would be. Unfortunately, I’m a bit technologically challenged.
Congratulations! The site looks fantastic, and I love your profile pic.
WordPress is a pain in the derriere to learn, but the learning curve isn’t too awful. You’ll be an expert in no time. 🙂
Thanks, Lisa! I don’t know if I’ll ever be an expert, but I sure hope to at least become comfortable with the basics.
Here I thought all it took to be a writer was, well, writing.
Congrats! I’ve been wanting to do the switch for some time now, but I can’t even post a blog… since July! Egads. Hope to get back to the routine of things. Life is just busy. Love your picture!
Hi Lynn! Thanks for visiting. It’s great to hear from you. Believe me, there are days when I wish I’d kept things as they were because I’m so lousy at figuring out new technology. Maybe I should hire some smart young thing to teach me how to do what I need to do.
Love it!!! That’s one reason I’ve been gone so long. Was going to take the time to perfect a new website. Ha. Congratulations on really doing it, and doing such a great job.
Hi Tammy! I ‘m so glad to hear from you. I’ve missed reading your clever micro-stories. Hope this means you’re posting again.
Somehow I missed the migration – congrats. I’ll be sure to add your link to my sidebar.