Let’s Celebrate!

I’m convinced that we Americans have a love affair with celebration. Just a few days ago, we made a party out of viewing a total solar eclipse. Some peered through their flimsy cardboard glasses (looking like the audience at a 3-D movie) from the comfort of their own back yards, raising a toast to the sky. Others joined dozens or even hundreds of strangers in group events, many of which included music, drinks, and food.

It got me to thinking about our obsession with turning just about anything into a holiday. In the process of scouring the internet to satisfy my curiosity, I stumbled across every party-giver’s (and party-goer’s) dream. A site which provides multiple reasons to celebrate. Every. Single. Day.

Think about it. Never again will you be devastated over missing National Two Colored Shoes Day.

I admit to doing this more than once, although not on purpose.

Your heart will not be broken over letting National Leave the Office Early Day slip by unnoticed.


You can even rest assured you’ll not miss out on one single moment of National Wiggle Your Toes Day.

The antidote to National Two Different Colored Shoes Day.

So with no further ado, here it is. The place which will forever change your ability to party at the drop of a hat (especially if you enjoy National Drop Your Hat Day). Click HERE to access the National Day Calendar. As a bonus, the site even provides a meme for the chosen celebration, and a little history on the reason behind establishing it. This will enable you to sound wise as Solomon any time you discuss National Cream Filled Doughnut Day.

Now I’m off to begin my own celebration with a sweet treat. Didn’t you know August 23 is National Sponge Cake Day?






12 Responses

  1. Yes, indeed we are nation of party people. This was a fun post and I’m all for celebrating filled donut day.

    1. Linda, the center of our celebration seems to be food. This is another reason to indulge.

  2. Spongecake Day? Doughnut Day? There’s got to be a Cheesecake Day in there, and a Wine Day, too. Pretty sure I’m going to like that site! 🙂 Thanks for the link!

    1. Lisa, I’m pretty sure you’re right. Always a great reason for us to celebrate, isn’t there?

    1. I didn’t hunt for that one, Angela, but given what I’ve seen celebrated on the calendar, it wouldn’t surprise me one little bit.

  3. Pat–I’m going to paraphrase Angela’s comment a bit to fit me. A national Reeses day? I could definitely get a behind (and a big one) from too much celebrating (any day that involves chocolate)…

    1. You are too funny, Sioux! As we approach the season of eating (and eating), I fear I’m already on the road to big-behindness.

  4. This is funny! I have made up holidays for Katie, such as CRAZY SOCK DAY. This day occurs because for some reason we have two of the same type of socks clean, but not the same color. So let’s wear different color socks and call it crazy sock day. 🙂

    1. Margo, from the peek I took at the holiday calendar, I’d be very surprised if there wasn’t an official crazy sock day.

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