Everything You Didn’t Want to Know About Me

Five days from Easter, and signs of spring are everywhere. Green shoots are poking through the ground. A few daring tulips have bloomed. The Star Magnolia tree is dotted with blossoms. Unfortunately, still chilly temperatures and days of rain have dampened more than a few events. There’s even the potential for snow flurries on Easter Sunday. Yet I’m looking on the bright side. Like all my neighbors in the Show-Me state know, there’s one simple truth about life in Missouri. If you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute. 

About a week ago,  blogger buddy and talented author, Lisa Ricard Claro, nominated me for a Sunshine Award and assigned questions  for pondering. The game goes like this:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you. (Thank you, Lisa.)
  2. Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate other bloggers for the award. (Cackles evilly.)
  4. Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you have nominated. (Uh, no. I’ll keep them just the way Lisa sent them.)
  5. Notify the bloggers you have nominated them.

Here we go, short and sweet (or salty).

1. What do you love most about blogging/writing?

As I’m sure many have said before, it’s the connections. Amazingly close bonds have been formed with people I’ve never met. I know bloggers who’ve taken road trips specifically to hang out (in person) with their blogger buddies. How cool is that?

2. Name a place you’ve never been but would love to visit and why?

Paris. Come on, who wouldn’t want to say they wrote a story while in Paris?

3. Describe your favorite snack.

I’m a cyclical snacker. Salty than sweet than salty than sweet than salty than sweet…you get the picture.

4. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently?

A few months ago, I saw The Man Who Invented Christmas and LOVED it!

5. What is your favorite season and why?

No contest. Autumn!

6. Do you believe in ghosts?

There are many things which cannot be explained. Who am I to deny the existence of spirits?

7.  What advice do you give but don’t take yourself?

Limit your time on social media. It’s a time suck.

8. If you had to choose one favorite color, what would it be?

Fifty shades of green – the color of nature.

9. When is the last time you laughed?

This morning when Winston barked non-stop to “tell” on his brother (the cat) Bogey. Bogey is NOT allowed on the counters. Guess where he was?

10. Do you prefer a tablet or actual book while reading?

Depends. When traveling, I like my Kindle. When at home, books are oh-so-nice.

11. You’ve just discovered you’re a superhero. What’s your name and superpower?

Captain Numbutski. Sloth-like ability to sit in front of a computer screen without moving longer than any other human being on earth.

Phew!  Okay, now I’m nominating three bloggers (I apologize to them in advance).

Margo at Look to the Western Sky

Sheree at Sheree’s Warm Fuzzies

Angela at The Heartland Chronicle

Looking forward to your answers. Regular programming will resume next time!


How about a new Easy Peasy Recipe? Click on the tab for a simply delicious dinner idea.

10 Responses

    1. Winston thinks he’s the boss of everything, and quickly picked up on the fact that I chase the cat off the counter. Now he likes to alert me to Bogey’s misdeeds. Bogey is plotting ways to reciprocate. Thanks, Lisa!

    1. Yes ma’am you will! I’m sure there will be some cool tidbits in your answers. Thanks, Sheree!

  1. I definitely do the sweet-salty snacking thing.
    P. S. – I’ll be participating in the Sunshine Award, but I won’t be able to put up a blog entry about it until Friday. I hope that’s okay!

    1. Sounds great, Angela! Thanks for playing along with the questions game. 🙂

  2. That was fun! I understand we have similar abilities; I can sit at computer until my behind is numb. Your barker made me laugh, too.

    1. Linda, I enjoyed reading your answers as well. Writers Bare All, should have been this post title!

  3. I do want to do this but I never get things done in a timely manner!! I like this kind of stuff. 🙂 so stay tuned…

    1. No pressure, Margo. Do it when and if you can. I remember how it was when my kiddos were young – not enough hours in the day!

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