December is here and the spirit of Christmas surrounds me like a cozy patchwork quilt made up of everything I love about the season. We’ve even been gifted with a few wintry days where the world became a snow globe that fortunately stayed (at least for the most part) off the streets while coating the grass with beauty.
Think bright red cardinals against the brilliance of newly fallen snow. Is there anything more lovely?
In honor of my most favorite time of year, I’d like to share with you a poem from my Christmas collection, Let Your Heart Be Light: A Celebration of Christmas. Although the book mostly contains short stories and essays, I sprinkled in a few pieces of poetry close to my heart. This one came to mind as I worked on what many of you have already done – or will be doing very soon. I hope it sparks a memory for you and brings a smile!
I sit on the floor and
smooth the paper for
package number seven,
a large one this time.
My scissors are poised and
ready, but when I start to cut,
Winston romps across the flat
sheet and stops in the middle. He
looks at me, head tilted to one side.
I remove him from his place
and he announces in no uncertain
terms this isn’t the answer he wants.
So I put down the scissors and rise on
unsteady legs to stretch an ache from my back.
There are times when a little dog is much wiser than I am.

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into Let Your Heart Be Light. If you’re interested in my homage to Christmas for yourself or a loved one – or are intrigued by any of my other books – click on the sidebar cover image to order.
Here’s to this most magical time of preparation – and anticipation!
P.S. Winston, my peke-a-poo rescue dog, suggests frequent breaks from gift-wrapping duties (and all other duties, for that matter) to cuddle a favorite pup or kitty. Relax and then repeat.
Pat Wahler is the author of I am Mrs. Jesse James, a finalist for historical fiction in the 2018 American Book Fest’s Best Book Awards; and Let Your Heart Be Light: A Celebration of Christmas. She is co-author of Midnight the One-Eyed Cat.
10 Responses
Hi Pat – Love the poem and photo of Winston—he’s too cute! My dogs generally ignore our wrapping efforts, but our cat is always in the thick of things causing trouble, so I can relate. 🙂 Wishing you a lovely holiday season!
Merry Christmas, Lisa! Both dogs and cats want to get in the action, especially around the holidays. I almost had to yell, “Timber” the other day when the cat grabbed a low-hanging ornament. 🙂
What a cutie and a poem that I can really relate to. Chester is often pawing me or as we like to say, “Don’t box me,” since he is a boxer when he feels like I’m not paying enough attention to him! Merry Christmas! I’m hoping to get a bunch of wrapping done tomorrow!
Merry Christmas, Margo! Gotta love boxers. They are so cute (and smart).
I haven’t started my wrapping yet either, so it’s on my agenda for tomorrow, too!
Pat–I hope your Christmas is a merry one. I can attest to what a wonderful present your “I am Mrs. Jesse James” book would be–for history buffs as well as novel-lovers. It’s a great read.
Yes, dogs and cats are able to remind us about what is TRULY important. Listen to Winston.
Merry Christmas, Sioux! Thank you so much for the kind words, and all your support. 🙂
Critters really do know the truth, don’t they?
Your poem certainly paints a picture. I saw on TV where a woman wrapped her cat, and the cat sat still. Mine sure wouldn’t. Winston, what a cutie! Your book is wonderful and lingers on my mind.
Thanks, Linda.
I can guarantee my cat wouldn’t sit still either – unless, of course, he climbed the Christmas tree and knew I wanted him out!
Such a cutie and smart too!
Lynn, he’s definitely a handful of feistiness.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Year!