Up to my eyeballs in edits, a stack of accounting work piled on the floor, and a house that will soon be in need of HAZMAT services if it’s not properly cleaned. Meanwhile, the week hurtles by faster than a space shuttle. What’s a responsible adult to do?
What else but walk away from it all to attend a four-hour movie.
That’s right. Tomorrow I’ll be settled into a comfy reclining seat at the theater with a big tub of popcorn to watch the 1939 classic, Gone With the Wind.

Originally released in 1939, GWTW is currently on a limited special release to recognize the film’s 80th anniversary. I first saw it on the big screen during a re-release when I was in high school. By then, I’d read the novel multiple times. Even though much of Margaret Mitchell’s original story had to be cut from the film (or it would have been a ten-hour movie), it still had such spectacular scenes, stunning costumes, and beautiful music, it totally captivated me. In fact, GWTW may be one of the reasons I grew to enjoy historical fiction as much as I do.
The film was a hit from the beginning. At the Academy Awards for pictures made in 1939, GWTW pretty much swept the categories, winning a total of ten Oscars that included Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actress for Hattie McDaniel; the first African-American actor to win an Academy Award.

Even though I own the four-disc DVD, I’m still putting everything on hold to watch this film again in all its big-screen glory.

I plan to make up for procrastinating on Friday. (Maybe)
How about you? Have you indulged in any guilty pleasures lately?
14 Responses
Pat–I For me, it’s Doctor Zhivago. And The Voice. And The Masked Singer. (Don’t tell anyone I watched that one. But I did.) And Better Call Saul.
Yikes. Too many guilty pleasures and not enough writing time?
What are you editing? What’s the next book? Have I been lax in keeping up with the Pat Wahler publishing freight train?
Sioux, I’m starting to feel like we shouldn’t feel guilty about our pleasures. Your list made me smile. ๐
Book 1 of a contemporary romance series was sent to my editor on Monday. Now I should be scrambling to flesh out Book 2, but as you can see…
Pat–You can write picture books. Historical fiction. Creative nonfiction. Now romance as well?
You rock!
These three books are NaNo projects from years ago. I looked at them and thought, why not? ๐
I saw GWTW today, too. What a treat to see this spectacular movie on the big screen again! ๐
Wasn’t it wonderful, Sally? I must admit to getting all teary-eyed and sniffy, even though I’ve seen the movie a bajillion times. ๐
Love this! Enjoy every minute of this classic on the big screen! Youโve earned it!
It was wonderful, Karen! My heated recliner chair made the perfect spot to relax and bawl through all the sad scenes.
I like to play Candy Crush Soda on my phone. Itโs so ridiculous and definitely a guilty pleasure. ๐ hope you enjoyed the movie and the popcorn!!
I hear you, Margo. I’ve been known to indulge in a game or two or three of Bejeweled in my time.
The movie was wonderful. I got to snuggle in my comfy reclining seat with the heat turned up and bawl my eyes out. Apparently, there are a ton of old movies coming back to the big screen, including Steel Magnolias and To Kill a Mockingbird, to name a few. Fun!
An author friend and her husband were here visiting over the weekend and we had such a great time! That isn’t a guilty pleasure, but it certainly was a delightful way to spend the weekend. ๐
I haven’t seen GWTW in so long. Maybe it’s time for another viewing.
Always love watching (and reading) GWTW, Lisa!
By the way, did you see my previous post on book boyfriends? I believe you will recognize one of the names mentioned in comments. ๐
I used to spend my spring break going to see a different movie each day. My granddaughter watched Gone With the Wind when she was four years old and expressed her opinion freely. “Ashley should not force Scarlett to dance!”
She was engrossed and watched the entire four hour made-for-TV movie.
I enjoy going to the movies, and now it’s become even more scrumptious with heated seats that recline. Lovely!
Cute story about your granddaughter. How sweet and perceptive!