Blog-Slacker Blues

Yes, it’s true. I’ve got the blog-slacker blues.

With a goal to publish a post every other Wednesday, my follow-through lately has been less than stellar. Every time Wednesday rolls around, I’ve found myself pushing the “pause” button. No worries. I’ll do it next week. But next week arrives with the same result.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, I am indeed a procrastinator—putting off intentionally or habitually the doing of something that should be done—or as I’ve decided to re-name it, a blog-slacker. However, unlike my reason for procrastinating on things I hate to do (scrubbing toilets for example), this time there is a legitimate reason.

I’m preparing to publish another book.

Now, I would guess there are approximately 37,432 steps required to make this happen, and right now I’m about three quarters into them. Some are kind of fun (I love picking out covers!). Others are drearier, such as the third, and fourth, and fifth round of edits—if I’m any example, writers may be the primary target market for Visine.

Excellent advice for writers deep into the editing process. (Pixabay)

At any rate, if all goes according to plan, my new book baby will release on May 28. I’m really excited, even though this is a departure from my beloved historical novels. This time I’ll be doing a series – three contemporary romance/women’s lit with romantic elements novels, in which I’ve woven a fair amount of fun, because these days, who doesn’t need a smile or two? All three (very) rough manuscripts have been on the back burner for years, and like any expectant mother, I decided it’s time to call in the doctors and get things rolling.

The title of the first book in the Becker family series is On a City Street. The cover is gorgeous (more on that soon), and the story follows a veterinarian named Carolyn who deals with a painful breakup by fleeing suburbia for the city of St. Louis. She intends to launch a low-cost spay and neuter clinic in conjunction with the local humane society. Sounds simple, right? But when a mysterious man, a troubled teenager, and an injured dog enter her life, secrets begin to surface, and her life gets…complicated.

Coming soon – On a City Street!

Because seriously, who doesn’t need a little love in their life? (Pixabay)

I hope you enjoyed finding out what I’ve been up to. Now if you’ll excuse me, this blog-slacker is neck deep in work. I’m heading back for step #30,221.  

6 Responses

  1. Pat–You are quite the busy beaver. Slapping those words into lines. Building it bigger and bigger. Sometimes having to say “dam it.”

    Congratulations. If your first romance novel is half as good as “I am Mrs. Jesse James,” it will be spectacular.

    Now. Get back to the next step, because the end of May is close at hand…

    1. Thanks, Sioux! I wish my tracker counted all the steps to birthing a book. It would look like I completed a marathon!

  2. How exciting! I didn’t know you had these in the works! I’ve been also working on a couple older projects that I plan to put out before I revise my women’s fiction novel!

    1. Margo, it’s kind of fun to resurrect old projects. I forgot how much I liked the stories until I looked at them again. 🙂

      Looking forward to seeing what you’re cooking up!

  3. Pat, how did I miss this great news? I just posted it to FB. Congratulations. You are making the most of your retirement.

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! Talk about making the most of retirement, I think you’ve been a pretty busy lady too. I enjoy seeing your posts about the fun you’re having with grand-babies, not to mention all the fabulous new publications. 🙂

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