Defeat of Jesse James Days

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending Defeat of Jesse James Days in Northfield, Minnesota. Northfield is a small town that comes alive with visitors (it’s estimated about 10,000) for this event each year, to celebrate the downfall of the James/Younger gang. It takes place on the weekend after Labor Day, and is well-worth seeing.

The Northfield Historical Society (NHS) is one of several event hosts, and the result is pretty spectacular. Along with food and vendors aplenty, spectators are enthralled by multiple reenactments of the attempted robbery – complete with (real) horses and (fake) guns blazing.

NHS is housed in a building that includes the historic First National Bank, which has been lovingly restored. Click HERE to find out more about the bank raid and discover what the Northfield Historical Society is doing to preserve this historic site.

The museum portion of the building houses a number of artifacts and research materials.

First National Bank
First National Bank
Period saddle

These photos are a mere snippet of what’s available. If you’re interested in a fascinating point of time in our country’s history, or in the James/Younger gang’s activity during their final bank robbery, Northfield is a must-see.

I’m grateful for the invitation from NHS to be a part of this event, and highly recommend a visit during Defeat of Jesse James Days. It’s something you’ll remember forever!


Pat Wahler is the author of Western Chanticleer Best First Novel of 2018 I am Mrs. Jesse James. She is also author of On a City Street, first in a three-book contemporary romance series; and Let Your Heart Be Light: A Celebration of Christmas. Pat is co-author of a picture book, Midnight the One-Eyed Cat.

8 Responses

  1. Pat–What an honor. As a writer, it doesn’t get much more exciting. All your hard work on “I am Mrs. Jesse James,” all your persistence and writing talent–I’m sure there will other opportunities like this.

    Congratulations, Pat.

    1. Thanks, Sioux! I felt very fortunate to be invited. The reenactments were great fun to watch, and meeting so many people fascinated by the James family was amazing.

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