Coping in a Strange New World

Ever feel like you’ve been transported from reality to a strange new science-fiction story world? Yeah, me too. Due to the coronavirus, we’ve all become a society of people confined to our homes, practicing social distance. And it’s not only here in the United States. Nearly all places on the planet are in the same boat. Our lives have been turned topsy-turvy, and we have no idea how long it will last or what to expect.

If that doesn’t sound like the start to a scary science fiction story, I don’t know what does.

But as the saying goes, there are circumstances we can change, and others we cannot. I think we all know what category this sneaky virus situation falls under. All we can do is make the best of what we have, look out for one another, and muddle through.

Much as I wish I could invite everyone to meet me for a relaxing spa day, that’s off the table for now. What I can do, though, is offer links that may help to ease you through tough times. With that goal in mind, here goes…

I’m cleaning now more than ever – a task I’m not fond of doing. Are you discouraged by a lack of disinfectant wipes? I sure am. Here’s a simple do-it-yourself recipe that could help tide you over.

Wash, wash, wash those hands. Experts recommend at least twenty seconds of vigorous scrubbing – the length of two choruses of Happy Birthday. However, sometimes a sink and soap aren’t nearby. What then? Hand sanitizer is impossible to find. How about a do-it-yourself recipe to bridge the gap?

Sigh. Toilet paper. Don’t get me started. Who knew this item would become more valuable than an oil well in the backyard? But I hear people are flocking to a new (actually an old) solution by installing a bidet. Reports say it’s an incredibly cleansing experience.

I find myself eating even more than cleaning. With bare grocery shelves, what are good basic items to stock at home? Here are some recommended food staples to have on hand. Adding my two cents, I’d include whatever special treats your heart craves. These are times that require self-soothing. Yes, that includes wine and dark chocolate!

When you’re stuck at home, it’s easy to plop in front of a screen (and eat) for hours at a time. This isn’t great for either your physical or mental well-being. Here are some tips to stay fit and healthy during self-isolation.

Entertainment… it’s a significant part of our lives. Some fun stuff comes via the screen, yet never forget reading is a great exercise for the brain. But wait! There’s more! For additional suggestions, check out this curious list of things to do while trapped inside.

Finally, please don’t forget to laugh. It’s one of my favorite coping mechanisms. You wouldn’t believe how many old sit-coms I’ve watched lately. To give you some ideas, here’s a list of ways to laugh more every day.

Well, that’s it, gang. I hope you find something to keep you healthy, happy, sane, and safe. If you have more suggestions you think would help others, please do leave a comment.

Meanwhile, take care of yourselves, and we’ll get through this together. There’s always a rainbow after the storm!


Touching and humorous, you’ll love Pat’s latest contemporary romance, Along the Road (Becker Family Novel Book 2).

Pat’s other award-winning books and stories include:

On a City Street (Becker Family Novel Book 1)

I am Mrs. Jesse James

Let Your Heart Be Light: A Celebration of Christmas ONLY 99 CENTS UNTIL MARCH 31!

8 Responses

    1. I’d be delighted to share the link, Denise. Thanks for asking.

      Hope you are well!

  1. I love this! I clicked on the “things to do” list and was surprised at how many of them I’ve been doing. I actually started learning Greek a week ago on Duolingo! And I perfected the whiskey sour. My husband is growing a beard, much to my dismay, and I’m doing yoga, too. And so many others! …except not the hair coloring…

    Stay healthy and keep writing!

    1. You’re learning Greek, Amy? That is totally awesome! I’ve fiddled with French and Spanish, but mastered neither of them. Maybe I should leap into a completely different sphere! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. We watched Jumanji 2 the other night and the bloopers, and Katie and I were both laughing so hard. We are also conintuing our nightly reading of Harry Potter books. These two things, plus the sunshine yesterday, have helped. I am trying to be easy on myself about my productivity while homeschooling and having this crazy, energetic puppy during all these rainstorms. Our backyard is like a swamp. I spend a lot of time wiping her off. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Margo, I think in our current world we need to do what we can do, and not pressure ourselves to do more.

      Laughing truly does make a difference. I’m glad you, Katie, and the pupster are hanging in there! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Amy’s husband is growing a beard? At our house, I am the one who’s growing a beard.

    Seriously, I’ve done the on-the-couch-for-hours routine. I’ve eaten too much. I’ve knitted two baby blankets. I’ve been working from home. Beginning tomorrow, I need to do some querying.

    I got sucked into the photos of puppies. Puppies! (Thanks, Pat.)

    1. Sounds to me like you’ve been quite productive,Sioux! Everyone says knitting is relaxing. Maybe I should give it a try. ๐Ÿ™‚ Stay safe!

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