Count Your Successes

Here we are, in week eleventy-million of dealing with a global pandemic. One would think spending so much time at home means I am writing diligently every day, but I’ve found my focus is scattered. It’s far too easy for me to scroll through social media hunting for funny memes to post than it is to do actual… you know, work. My lack of productivity isn’t unique. Many have reported the same problem. After all, we are living through unprecedented times that will go down in history.

Try, try again. (Pixabay)

The good news is, it feels like things have begun to – at a snail’s pace – improve. Most of my friends say they’ve settled back into a more regular work routine. I have too, and find myself able to write in one big afternoon chunk. Even though what I get on paper isn’t spit-and-polished, it’s a start. So, rather than beating myself up for the writing projects I haven’t completed, I decided to take an objective look at what I did accomplish in the past few months. Here’s what I found:

  • Although not nearly finished, I’m currently writing Chapter 26 of Pathway to Home, the final book in the Becker Family series, after being stuck at Chapter 5 for what felt like a million years.
  • Two of my essays were contracted by Chicken Soup for the Soul, bringing my total stories with them to eighteen (but who’s counting? LOL).
  • I have a brand new idea for a biographical historical novel which is sparking major inspiration. 🙂 I can’t yet tell you who she is, but I’m really excited to start researching her story.

This process of looking back reminded me of a lovely song written by Irving Berlin for the movie White Christmas. It’s called “Count Your Blessings”. The song is about what you should do if you’re so worried that when nighttime comes you can’t fall sleep. Berlin wrote the tune after his doctor advised him to stop fretting over short-term problems and count his blessings as a way to cure stress-related bouts of insomnia. The advice worked for Berlin, and a song was born.

I think we’ve all been there lately, tossing and turning instead of sleeping. Most of us are too hard on ourselves. We’re happy to build up someone else, but we don’t hesitate to peck away at our own shortcomings. Perhaps instead of stewing so much over the troubles in life, whether personal, world events, or general angst, we should first do what we can to make things better, and then count our blessings – or our own small successes.

Take a moment to think about it. How did you spend the past three months? Even the smallest task you achieved can be celebrated. On a bad day, did you still get out of bed and try? Did you write a new paragraph? Complete a home project? Read a great book? Learn how to use Zoom? It’s all worth recognizing.

Zoomed lately? (Pixabay)

Let’s face it, a pandemic is not recommended entertainment, but it won’t last forever. Someday things will be back to normal and hopefully each one of us will have learned something and still be plugging away. In the meantime, hang in there. We’ll muddle through this and reach the other side… eventually.

Please take care of yourself and each other. Stay safe and remember to start counting your successes!

I bet you’ll sleep a whole lot better.


Pat Wahler is the author of Western Fictioneers’ Best First Novel of 2018, I am Mrs. Jesse James. For a limited time, buy the eBook for only $1.99 – more than 75% off retail price! 

Pat has also written award-winning contemporary romance novels and a delightful Christmas collection.

On a City Street, Book 1 of the Becker Family series

Along the Road, Book 2 of the Becker Family series

Let Your Heart Be Light: A Celebration of Christmas 

9 Responses

  1. Pat–I knew you had written a romance novel, but I had no idea you had written a series of them. You are one busy writer. (Is your keyboard on fire? 😉

    Congratulations on making progress on your manuscript after being stuck for a while. And congrats on your 18th CS story. I keep saying I’m giving up on them–I haven’t gotten a yes in a long time–but in actuality, I keep trying, hoping to get one of those magical emails.

    1. Hi Sioux! Don’t I wish my keyboard was on fire. LOL With all that’s going on in the world, I’m way too easily distracted.

      I think CS for the Soul is a matter of persistence. One of the gals in my critique group (Alice) sends multiple stories to nearly every title, so she’s had a decent number of acceptances. Your stories are terrific, so keep sending them. 🙂

      1. Pat–Surely you are not holding up Alice Muschany as a measuring stick? Please. You, Linda O’Connel and Alice are Chicken Soup Queens. 😉

  2. Glad to hear you’re getting back into a writing routine, Pat. I have continued to write every day (sometimes only one day on the weekend) and I’m about 3/4 of the way through my next release. The first draft, that is. And I’ve begun collaborating with two other authors on a YouTube channel, so that’s been fun.

    I love the song “Count Your Blessings” and it’s in one of my all-time favorite movies!

    1. I so admire your discipline and dedication. I’ve let myself become way too easily distracted. Time to pull back the reins and get to work.

      Looking forward to reading your latest!

  3. Congratulations on all your recent success! And accomplishments! I am just plugging along, not going as fast as I hoped to meet my goals—but I am feeling inspired and excited and learning tons! And i know so mug about YouTube and Roblox now thanks to daily walks with Katie and Sudsi

    1. Margo, you are among the busiest and most productive women I know. Celebrate what you’re learning and what inspires you. That’s what it’s all about. 🙂

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