Behind the Book – A Christmas Short Story

How can this much time have passed since my last post? In my defense, I’ve been swamped with work on two books, a few articles and essays, and keeping up with my monthly newsletter, plus a few non-writerly real life tasks. My (early) New Year resolution is to be a bit more organized, and a LOT more efficient.

Today I’d like to give you a Behind the Book snippet on my newest release, The Christmas Keepsake, a holiday short story eBook.

The story grew out of a few events my grandmother shared many years ago that related to her own youth. She told the sad details of her mother’s failing health and surprised me by mentioning her mother’s final hopes for her daughter. I won’t give any spoilers, but the things she told me stayed in my mind over the years. Yet there were gaps in her story, and I wanted to know what lay behind a decision Grandma made. I set out to fill in the blanks and make sense of what could have prompted events to unfold as they did. To do this, I created a fictional world, and the result is a dual timeline short story, The Christmas Keepsake. Pictured here is Grandma as a teenaged girl. Isn’t she lovely?

A big part of Grandma’s life and her story was a small Methodist church in the town where she was born and grew up. Here’s an image of the sanctuary during  Christmas Eve services (circa the 1940’s). Don’t you love the kids turning around to spy on the photographer?

I come from a family of singers. Grandma often sang at her church as did my mother and my aunt. Not similarly talented, I do most of my singing in the shower, LOL!

I hope I’ve piqued your interest in a story that carries a little piece of my heart. If you’re looking for a quick read to help get you in the holiday spirit, please check out The Christmas Keepsake.

I’d love to know what you think!

Meanwhile, I’d like to be the first to send you all my best for this holiday season. May it be everything you wished for and much, much more.

I’ll be back soon with Behind the Book snippets, most notably from my next novel, The Rose of Washington Square, which will release in February 2023. You’re going to love Rose. I can’t wait to share more details with you.

Remember to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. (See upper right hand corner of this page to sign up.) Almost every issue features a contest where you can win a free book that I’ve read and recommend. Other fun stuff ahead for subscribers too, so don’t miss out!


Pat Wahler is the author of Western Fictioneers’ Best First Novel of 2018 and Walter Williams Award winner, I am Mrs. Jesse James. She has also authored a three-book contemporary romance series, The Becker Family Novels, and a holiday-themed collection, Let Your Heart Be Light: A Celebration of Christmas. Her latest release is a holiday short-story, The Christmas Keepsake.

Coming February 2023 – The Rose of Washington Square: A Novel of Rose O’Neill, Creator of the Kewpie Doll

5 Responses

    1. Thank you so much, Sally! I hope you and your family are doing well. It’s always wonderful to hear from you. 🙂

      1. We are all doing well. I wish the same for you and your family. Have a wonderful holiday season! And….keep writing! I love reading your books. 😊

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