Rose O’Neill had a fascinating childhood. There were many things I’d have loved to put in The Rose of Washington Square: A Novel of Rose O’Neill, the Creator of the Kewpie Doll, but the novel would have been far too long. Events from Rose O’Neill’s fascinating childhood didn’t make it into the story, but I can share some of them here.
Rose’s irrepressible father, William Patrick O’Neill, was convinced that his children would achieve great things. His initial plan for Rose was that she should become an actress. Since his little prodigy did well at home reciting Shakespeare during evenings where the family would put on dramatic performances, he decided to advance her career.

O’Neill took his eleven-year-old daughter to meet the famed Shakespearian actor, Edwin Booth (brother to John Wilkes Booth). Rose was so tongue-tied with awe over meeting the man, that when her father prompted her to recite some bits of Ophelia, she responded by bursting into tears. Edwin Booth, eager to be relieved of hearing a child in meltdown mode, beat a hasty retreat.
According to Rose’s account of the meeting, at this turn of events she finally summoned enough courage to curtsy and call out, “Good-night sweet Prince!” to the actor as he retreated.
Booth turned to give Rose a startled glance and a brief smile before hurrying away.

Papa O’Neill, his disappointment slightly mollified by his young daughter’s ability to redeem herself, was already plotting his next endeavor: To introduce Rose to the famed Polish actress who often played tragic Shakespearean heroines: Madame Helena Modjeska. Sadly for Papa O’Neill, this meeting fared not much better than the other.
Yet in spite of Rose continuing to recite and take small roles in theatre productions, her love of art and enjoyment in copying images from her father’s books clearly began to exert a stronger pull.
If you’re intrigued and want to know more about the fascinating Rose O’Neill, I’d like to ask a favor. The book is available now, but we’re hoping to boost it to #1 on the Amazon new release list. To do this, we need as many purchases as possible to happen on one particular day, and that day is Wednesday, February 22.
If you, a friend, family member, co-worker, or even some random person you met who loves to read, might be interested in buying the ebook or paperback, please consider doing so on February 22 to help Rose’s story make it to #1. Here’s a link to the book.
I believe you’ll love The Rose of Washington Square, and I’m very grateful for any assistance you can give to help us introduce her to the world.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support! 🙂
Pat Wahler is the author of Western Fictioneers’ Best First Novel of 2018, I am Mrs. Jesse James; and her newest release The Rose of Washington Square: A Novel of Rose O’Neill, Creator of the Kewpie Doll. She has also authored a contemporary romance series and two holiday-themed books.
4 Responses
This is fascinating, Pat! Thank you for giving us more info on Rose. I’m thoroughly enjoying the novel. Only problem is that I wish I had more time to read so I wouldn’t have to put it down!
You totally made my day, Dianna. I adore Rose and really want the world to know her. Thank you!
Great post, Pat! I can’t wait to read the book.
Thank you so much, Amy!