August 21 – Check out my interview with Way-Word Writers! We had a blast talking about writing readable, relatable women plus a ton of other topics.
June 29 – Featured speaker for Saturday Writers monthly workshop. Topic: Build Bridges with Book Clubs
January 12 – Book Club via Zoom for The Rose of Washington Square.
January – I am Mrs. Jesse James is now available on audio!
2024 NEWS
December – The Christmas Letter is honored with Literary Titan’s Gold Book Award!
November – The Rose of Washington Square named a Finalist for 20th Century Historical Fiction in the Independent Author Network’s Book of the Year Awards!
November – Another five star review from Literary Titan for The Christmas Letter. Woo-hoo!
October – The Christmas Letter: A Whimsical Holiday Short Story is now available! This little story has a lovely dollop of magic and can be read in one sitting. Guess what? It’s already been named a Five-Star Readers’ Favorite!
March – The Rose of Washington Square is named a Finalist for the Goethe Award for Late Historical Fiction by Chanticleer Book Awards.
January – The Rose of Washington Square is named Honorable Mention in Biographical Historical Fiction from the Historical Fiction Company.
Are you in a book club? If your group plans to discuss one of my books, let me join you either in person or via Zoom or Facebook. Check out my Book Club Page and contact me so we can talk about the possibilities.
I’d love to talk to your group about my experience with the following topics:
- Researching and writing historical fiction, particularly in relation to a well-known figure from the past
- Writing a children’s picture book
- Using books to help your child understand challenging concepts
- Writing a personal essay for enjoyment and publication
- Q & A on my author journey
- Interested in another topic? Contact me and let’s talk.